October 22 the 2022


It is a competitive economy that facilitates access to the global market and 5 more reasons...


Dynamic and open. The Spanish economy has grown consistently above the European average in the last five years, prior to the COVID-2019 pandemic. Spain is one of the countries with the most open regulation to foreign investment.

Strategic enclave. Within Europe, Spain has the longest motorway network in Europe, two of the best airports, the third largest high-speed network and three of the ports with the highest container movement.

Trained Human Capital. A high percentage of the Spanish population has higher education. In Spain it is easier to find qualified personnel for ICT companies and at a more competitive cost than in other EU countries.

Taxation and incentives
Help innovation. Spain's tax burden is in the EU average. There is an extensive system of tax incentives and exemptions, particularly for R+D+i, knowledge transfer and job creation.

Quality of life
More and better. In Spain you live more and enjoy gastronomy and leisure time. Access to its health system is universal.


Source: ICEX official website +info




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